Pinterest pin image for this blog's post about the best unschooling supplies for all ages, and why you need these open-ended unschooling supplies for homeschooling.

100+ Amazing Unschooling Supplies for All Ages

Today’s article is all about the best unschooling supplies!

I’ve gathered 100 of my favorite supplies for unschooling here for you, perfect for any homeschool style!

I’ve created a list of every unschooling supply I find useful for any topic, interest, or learning method.

So if you’re ready for your kids to feel empowered to explore their interests and learn a lot using these unschooling supplies, then you’re in the right place!

You and your kids will love having the following supplies on hand to help your learners have the freedom to experiment, research, and explore with this homeschool style.

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100+ Amazing Unschooling Supplies for All Ages

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1. STEM Unschooling Supplies

STEM activities are my favorite unschooling activities, so we’ll focus on everything STEM first.

Btw, STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. What a perfect fit for unschooling!

Little boy dressed up like an astronaut playing pretend and wearing a cardboard rocket ship over his head. STEM unschooling supplies

Everyday STEM supplies for unschooling

  • Cardboard tubes
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Liquid glue and glue sticks
  • Cups (any material- paper cups are always a hit!)
  • Toothpicks
  • Paper cupcake liners
  • Egg cartons
  • Markers
  • Colored pencils
  • Pom poms
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Duct tape
  • Clear tape
  • Coffee filters
  • Straws
  • Notebook paper or a notebook
  • Computer paper
  • Construction paper
  • Paper plates
  • PlayDoh
  • Ping pong balls
  • Dry erase boards and dry erase markers
  • Scissors
  • Paper clips
  • Push pins
  • Plastic cups and containers, such as yogurt containers with lids, peanut butter jars, etc.

Open-ended STEM supplies for unschooling

Two young girls doing a science STEM experiment with unschooling supplies

STEM experimenting supplies for unschooling

STEM fun for older kids while unschooling

Pinterest pin image for this blog's post about the best unschooling supplies for all ages, and why you need these open-ended unschooling supplies for homeschooling.

The best STEM kits that you can use again and again for unschooling!

Little girl holding a leaf using found materials as unschooling supplies

2. Found Materials as Unschooling Supplies

Do your kids always want to bring treasures inside that they found out in the world?

You may want to encourage this, as unschooling is all about learning anywhere, including bringing your homeschooling classroom outside.

Start gathering these found materials to use as unschooling supplies!

  • Leaves, sticks, twigs, bark
  • Sand, seashells, sand dollars
  • Rocks
  • Dirt, flowers, weeds, grass
  • Water, dew (collect carefully and only consume water that’s been sterilized)
  • Snow, ice, icicles
  • Seeds
Grandpa helping granddaughter mix something in the kitchen using materials from a recipe as unschooling supplies

3. Around the House Items as Unschooling Supplies

Many household items can lend themselves to some excellent activities you can add to your unschooling toolbelt.

Check if you have these around the house items on hand already, or add them to your grocery list!

  • Flour
  • Salt
  • Aluminum foil
  • Corn starch
  • Wax paper
  • Food coloring
  • Iodine
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Candles or lighters
  • Wood (or scrap wood)
  • Cotton balls
  • Newspaper
  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Dishwashing soap
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Plastic bags


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    4. Outdoor Learning Unschooling Supplies

    Unschooling and outdoor learning go hand-in-hand!

    There are SO many outdoor learning activities that kids of all ages can enjoy.

    Here’s some of my favorite outdoor learning tools!

    Related: 5 Fun Ideas for Sensory Bins you Need to Try

    Little boy standing in front of chalkboard to measure his height

    5. Measuring Unschooling Supplies

    Learning all about measurement is an important skill for all ages, so you’ll definitely want to get these measuring supplies for unschooling.

    100+ Amazing Unschooling Supplies for All Ages

    6. High-Tech Unschooling Supplies

    If your unschooler is into technology, check out these high-tech unschooling supplies!

    These techy items could also make great gifts!

    Elementary-age technology for unschooling

    Related: STEM Toys for 5 Year Olds: Building a Bright Future With STEM

    Middle school-age technology for unschooling

    High school-age technology for unschooling

    Related: How to Be Homeschooled in High School: 5 Easy Steps!

    Digital favorites for any age level

    Brother and sister wearing crowns, smiling, and playing outside

    7. How to Organize Unschooling Supplies

    If you’re wondering where on Earth you’re going to store all these supplies, I’ve got you covered!

    These containers, labels, and storage ideas are essential for keeping your unschooling supplies nice and organized.

    Containers to organize your unschooling supplies

    STEM materials kit: unschooling supply containers and labels

    • If you are a one-stop-shop kind of person, you could buy this ready-to-fill starter STEM materials kit with the bins and labels already done for you!
    • When I was an elementary teacher and librarian, this kit was THE go-to holy grail of coveted storage for our STEM Lab.

    Storage ideas for your unschooling supplies

    Related: 5 Creative Homeschool Organization Ideas for Small Spaces

    Related: 6 Homeschool Cart Secrets that Will Unleash Your Supermom Powers

    Related: Homeschool Command Center: Keep Calm and Stay Organized in 4 Easy Steps

    ✨Related: States that Pay for Homeschooling: 16 States That Give You Money

    My MEGA LIST: The Best Unschooling Supplies free printable! DOWNLOADABLE FREEBIE!

    If you’re ready to ditch the boring homeschooling tasks and an unschooling experience that’s actually open ended, my MEGA LIST: The Best Supplies for Unschooling is just the thing for you.

    This freebie is easily printable, or you can download it so you have all the links in one easy-to-click place.

    Get my FREE PRINTABLE: MEGA LIST: The Best Supplies for Unschooling!

    Use the form below to get INSTANT access to this done-for-you list of unschooling supplies!

    Wrapping Up The Best Unschooling Supplies

    Once you add these unschooling supplies into your homeschool kit, you’ll be amazed at the joy and creativity they’ll bring your unschooler.

    Your kids will be amazed that you’re always ready for anything at a moment’s notice with these unschooling supplies.

    Instead of being totally open ended, using the same supplies over and over, or relying heavily on technology, use this variety of unschooling supplies to yield amazing results.

    Plus, your kids will love learning and enjoy their homeschooling time each day!

    Before you go, please subscribe to the blog below to join the PlanIt Peeps!

    For everything homeschool, we can PlanIt! ♥

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