How to homeschool, what homeschool method should I use, list of every homeschool style from

ALL Homeschool Styles Mega List: 27 Amazing Ways to Homeschool!

How do child actors go to school while pursuing their passions? Did you know many child actors are actually homeschooled?

Why is this widely accepted, but “regular families” are sometimes seen as strange for choosing to homeschool.

Even today, when people think of homeschooling, they might envision unsocialized families in matching outfits (and other stereotypes).

To start homeschooling, you need to learn which homeschool styles or teaching methods you’d like to follow.

This blog post will help you do just that!

From popular homeschool styles, hybrid homeschool options, and little-known homeschool teaching methods, this article will help you choose the right homeschool style for your family.

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How to homeschool, what homeschool method should I use, list of every homeschool style from

Homeschool Styles Like Traditional School

Traditional (School at Home)

The traditional or school at home homeschool style is the most well-known homeschool style. It is a common starting place for many homeschool families (but it doesn’t have to be).

The traditional homeschooling method follows a curriculum, has a set schedule, and expects the learners to sit at a table and complete assignments that may be graded.

This approach works best for families that value structure and may be short on time, for which buying an all-in-one homeschooling curricula would be a great fit.

Multiple Intelligences

Multiple intelligences is one of the homeschool styles that’s inspired by Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

This homeschool style basically means teaching to your children’s preferred learning styles, such as explaining vocabulary terms for your visual learner by pairing each word with a picture.

This approach works best for families looking to customize their learning in a way that will benefit each child’s learning style, and for homeschoolers that may benefit from learning that matches how they already process information.

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    Internet (Online Homeschooling/ Public school at home)

    Internet homeschooling is a popular homeschooling method that is done 100% on the computer, but it is technically not homeschooling in a legal.

    This method involves enrolling in online public school and following the public school’s curriculum.

    This approach works best for work-from-home parents or families wanting the flexibility of being at home while having the chance to follow the traditional school’s curriculum.

    Umbrella Program

    Another homeschool learning style that is similar to public school is the option of using an umbrella program, which is also called a cover school.

    Umbrella schools are technically seen as private schools, and they will keep records and provide curricula for you.

    This approach works best for homeschoolers that live in states with strict requirements for homeschooling and record-keeping, including Virginia, West Virginia, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and more.

    Reggio Emilia

    The Reggio Emilia is of the homeschool styles that’s commonly called inquiry-based learning in traditional schools, and it has many similarities to the multiple intelligences method.

    This approach works best for families that want students to immerse themselves in discovery of the curricula without having all the answers at the start.

    Students will learn by generating questions and then exploring, experimenting, and discovering the answers to their questions.

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    Popular Homeschool Styles


    A classical homeschool education has many variations within it, but most classical homeschoolers focus on reading many good books, such as those written by Plato or Aristotle.

    Other Classical homeschoolers focus on educating through what’s called The Trivium: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. But all classical homeschoolers tend to focus on Latin as a core tenant of their homeschooling style.

    Related: Homeschool Latin curriculum and ideas


    The Waldorf approach is one of the homeschool styles that includes spending unstructured time outside, reading books every day, and integrating fine arts like music, drama, and other creative subjects.

    This approach works best for families that are new to homeschooling or have already started and want a change.

    The Waldorf method is very easy to follow and emphasizes finding your rhythm (and how to do so), so you can start at any time.

    Charlotte Mason (The Living Book Approach)

    Similar to the classical homeschool method, the Charlotte Mason homeschooling method is one that has a focus on a handful of core values, including letting kids learn “living ideas” first and that kids are born “whole persons”.

    A key difference is that this method is not trivium-based.

    This approach works best for families that believe in educating the whole child by including spiritual lesson blocks, nature study, and many self-directed activities.

    Personalized Learning

    In this homeschool style, the learner will have their learning, curricula, and activities personalized to match their interests.

    This approach works best for students that have already established an array of interests they want to learn more about.

    The personalized learning homeschool method is said to work particularly well for gifted children.


    Secular homeschooling is a broad term meaning any style of homeschooling with no connections to faith-based learning.

    This approach works best for families who wish to exclude religious- or faith-based instruction from their homeschooling.

    Principle Approach

    The principle approach is one of the homeschool styles that’s a faith-based method.

    Rooted in Christianity, it involves integrating principles and biblical reasoning throughout all homeschool subjects.

    This approach works best for homeschoolers that want to put God and Christianity at the center of every piece of their homeschool style.

    Unit Studies and Project-Based Schooling

    Here’s two similar homeschool styles for you to consider!

    Project-Based Schooling

    Project based schooling (also called project based learning or PBL) and unit studies easily go hand-in-hand.

    PBL is a style of homeschooling that takes groupable topics and teaches them through projects. Inquiry and self-direction are critical for this method.

    Unit Studies

    Unit studies is a similar alternative that involves chunking topics into units that are taught in a big block.

    For example, an October-themed unit study could be all about pumpkins. For math, you could weigh, measure, and count the pumpkins. All reading and writing would be related to pumpkins, and so on.

    This approach works best for homeschoolers that like teaching things in a thematic way and immersing themselves in the same theme for a number of weeks.


    The Montessori is one of the most popular homeschool styles.

    This method is child-centered and emphasizes lots of hands-on learning with natural materials.

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    This approach works best for families that want their child to be in the driver’s seat of their learning while being flexible with the curriculum timeline to go at the child’s pace of learning.

    Eclectic (Relaxed)

    The eclectic relaxed homeschool style is a very popular one, because this homeschooling method lets you pick and choose elements from any other homeschool style.

    For example, if you like the Charlotte Mason style but want to teach secularly and teach in units, you can pick and choose what you want to teach from each of those three styles.

    This approach works best for families that want to plan out their curriculum and be able to customize their homeschool style. This may not be a good fit for beginners that are still figuring out what they like.

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    Newer Homeschool Styles


    The unschooling homeschool method is another one of the most popular homeschool styles.

    Unschooling is so popular because it allows homeschoolers to be flexible with all of their learning!

    Better yet, unschooling does not technically require any set curriculum or supplies!

    This approach works best for homeschoolers that want to follow children’s interests and let the child’s natural curiosities drive what is taught and learned.

    For example, unschoolers may choose not to teach certain topics if they aren’t interested in them (unless required by law).


    Deschooling is one of the homeschool styles that’s often associated with unschooling, although it is not a homeschooling style.

    Simply put, deschooling means giving yourself a reset and letting go of any expectations from traditional school before beginning homeschooling.


    As the name suggests, worldschooling is a unique homeschooling style that means taking your homeschool teaching out into the world and learning from it directly.

    For example, if you are teaching about space, your worldschooling style might lead you to take a trip to Texas or Florida to learn about space in person!

    This approach works best for homeschoolers that are okay with traveling a lot while homeschooling, so they can learn directly from the source.


    The wildschooling homeschool method is all about nature being at the center of learning. A big focus is the amazing things nature can teach children who are allowed to freely explore within it.

    This approach works best for homeschoolers who love being outside, have a desire to learn valuable life skills, and may want to travel occasionally to learn from new outdoor places.


    Similar to worldschooling, roadschooling is a homeschool style that is heavily reliant on travel and real-world learning.

    This approach works best for families that like road trips, and who may already own an RV. You may also find value in teaching real-world skills with an easily customizable curriculum alongside educational topics, such as problem-solving, budgeting, and planning a trip.

    Movie schooling and Video Schooling

    Two more similar homeschool styles, which are commonly grouped together!

    Movie and video schooling are two unconventional homeschool styles that allow movies and videos to drive the lessons.

    For example, Finding Nemo could lead to lessons about anemones, food webs, creative writing, real-world connections to hatcheries and the history of them, where food comes from lessons, and more.

    This approach works best for families that are okay with screen time and deep diving into one movie/ video for all lessons.

    Because this homeschool method is not super popular, families may need to create a lot of their own curriculum.


    Yes, the gameschooling homeschool method literally means learning through games. The games that be educational, classic board games, or even digital options like VR or video games.

    This approach works best for techy or game-loving families that want to bond over and learn from games!

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    Less Popular Homeschool Styles

    Thomas Jefferson

    The Thomas Jefferson method is cognitive-based homeschool style that is all about teaching children how to think, not what to think.

    This unconventional homeschool style involves the parent acting as a mentor rather than a teacher. There’s also a focus on good books, rather than textbooks or structured curricula.

    This approach works best for families that value literature and critical thinking. And those who may want to instill leadership and self-directed qualities in their children early on.

    Off-grid homeschooling

    The off-grid homeschooling style places a heavy emphasis on homesteading (although you don’t have to be a homesteader) and learning options that don’t require Internet access.

    Many off-grid homeschoolers believe in educating through real-life skills.

    This approach works best for families interested in naturally educating children through daily chores, household tasks, and other activities done as a family unit without an emphasis on screens or high-tech learning.

    Moore Formula

    The Moore Formula is a Christian-based homeschooling style that asks you to focus on the kid’s needs first, while blending studying, working, and acts of service.

    A big part of this homeschool style is an even balance of manual labor and studying time, with the belief that parents should wait until children are “ready” to teach them to read and write.

    This approach works best for homeschoolers that believe in the value of hard work and giving back, with no requirement to begin reading and writing until your child is ready.

    Independent Learning

    Exactly as it sounds, independent learning is a homeschooling style that focuses on children independently completing work more often than not.

    Families often use a self-directed children’s checklist or schedule to help them work independently.

    This approach works best for families with multiple homeschoolers of different ages that can’t or don’t always want to group subjects together to teach them.

    Robinson Curriculum Method

    Similar to independent learning, the Robinson curriculum method is a homeschool teaching style that has children “self-teaching” with an emphasis on reading and writing.

    It aims to develop analytical and higher-level thinking skills.

    This approach works best for homeschool parents that are short on time and want an affordable, high-quality curriculum that includes all the core subjects. It can also be great for large families.

    That’s Everything You Need to Know About Homeschool Styles

    Homeschooling is a great option for families that want the chance to discover their own interests from an early age.

    Choosing the right homeschool style that fits with your family’s goals is a great first step on the path to homeschooling success!

    Which of these homeschool styles fit you best? Comment below!

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